Betty's away message: all birds should die
Me: Why does Betty hate birds?
Jamal: Because a bird pooped on her head today!
SarahhhC315 (10:05:40 PM) : HAHAHAHAHA
beetychong (10:13:02 PM) : fuck you bitch
SarahhhC315 (11:18:09 PM) : how did it happen
beetychong (11:18:32 PM) : i was waiting at the bus stop on woodruff and college
beetychong (11:18:42 PM) : and it just shat on my fucking head
SarahhhC315 (11:18:45 PM) : HAHAHAHA
SarahhhC315 (11:18:50 PM) : all in your hair?
SarahhhC315 (11:19:37 PM) : what did you do after
beetychong (11:19:40 PM) : there was just a little in my hair, most of it was on my book bag and fleece
SarahhhC315 (11:19:46 PM) : HAHAHA
beetychong (11:19:51 PM) : i went to the bathroom and washed off a patch of my hair
beetychong (11:19:52 PM) : lol
SarahhhC315 (11:19:57 PM) : you didn't go home?
beetychong (11:20:07 PM) : and the girl who was in there before me had just shat in the bathroom so that was great
beetychong (11:20:09 PM) : no, i had class
beetychong (11:20:18 PM) : that's why i was waiting at the bus stop
SarahhhC315 (11:20:21 PM) : lol so you want to class with bird poop all over you?
beetychong (11:20:28 PM) : it wasn't all over me
SarahhhC315 (11:20:41 PM) : aww
SarahhhC315 (11:20:43 PM) : poor betty
SarahhhC315 (11:20:44 PM) : lol
beetychong (11:20:47 PM) : lol
beetychong (11:20:59 PM) : there was just a little in my hair
beetychong (11:21:28 PM) : but i guess there was more that i couldn't get to or something because when i put my hair down to wash it when i got home, there were brown crusties in my fucking hair
SarahhhC315 (11:21:54 PM) : hahaha
beetychong (11:24:08 PM) : i mean, i guess it could have been worse, it was brown runny poo instead of white slimy poo
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