Friday, February 6, 2009

Insert witty title HERE.

I always get surprised when my stalker counter grows and wonder to myself how so many have accidentally stumbled upon my not so eloquent ramblings about nothing. It was supposed to be related to an actual interest of mine, but whenever I begin typing I get way off topic. I guess I have keyboard ADD. What I don't understand about Blogger is how I have 52 stalkers yet 255 profile views. Maybe it's just me and I'm not that smart, but really I don't care enough to figure it out or change my profile counter to something along the lines of tracking the amount of blog views because A. my blog is not that important and B. I don't think anyone besides my friends can grasp the sarcastic/strange/semi-lame tone of my writing. Or typing. Whatever.

I am currently at my second internship/job FUH-REEZING my fingers off even though we're in the midst of a 30 some degree HEATWAVE! I really should be working right now, but clearly I am not. Perhaps it's because I am absolutely dreading the rest of my day. After this shindig, I must report to my other internship/job which is forcing me to become one of those lame-o's who doesn't go out at night. Instead I'll probably continue my tradition of being a big wino and have a glass or two (there is NOTHING wrong with drinking by yourself, ha!) and do something unproductive like read a book for enjoyment purposes or watch a movie. The only dilemma is there are dos fiestas I am supposed to be attending and I know both hosts will be devastated if they're not graced with my presence.

How many days until Opening Day? I don't feel like counting but two months.. I think. WOO!